Well, this is very new to me! A Blog! Despite being married to a man for whom two-thirds of his day are spent peering at the latest gizmos (how old-fashioned is that word?!) and the remaining third caressing his i-Phone, I know relatively little!
Hubby is on Detachment in Afghanistan at the moment, and there are now 2 weeks and 4 days remaining, out of 8 weeks. Having a 4-month old and a 2year old has meant that the time has gone quite quickly but it has still dragged at times, especially in the evenings. I get tired of the sound of my own breathing sometimes; there's never anything on TV that I want to watch, and I'm always too tired to read. Common sense tells me to go to bed, but I almost feel like I HAVE to stay up, as it's the only 'me-time' I get. Thing is though, whenever my bedtime is, it always coincides with that cycle of Baby's sleep where he wakes up at the slightest noise. So I find myself weeing a few drops at a time, so it doesn't wake him up! I can't be the only one who does this!
This morning we braved the bus (and it's insane driver) and went into the next village, where there are more than 2 shops. Had to stock up on nappies (for Toddler) and loo roll (for mummy and snotty noses) and then, resembling a 6-footed, 4-wheeled pack-horse, we got the bus back to our sunny RAF village.
Talked to Hubby when he rang tonight. So lovely to hear his voice, I miss him so much. Although I have to admit, it has been easier than I expected it to be. No idea why- it should have been worse- I should have got PND again, should have crumbled into the heap I was when I was left with Toddler as a baby. But no, somehow, I'm ok. I won't pretend it hasn't been tough- especially when Baby was ill for three weeks with Turbo Diarrhoea, and then they both got bad colds, and I survived for all that time on 3 hours sleep a night. Toddler has driven me mad as well- testing the boundaries all the time, with an infuriating smile on her face. But then she'll do the cutest thing. Like today when she showed me how she puts on her pull-up nappy, over the top of the one she's wearing. Then I leave the room only to hear "mummy- help!". And I go back in to see that her hips are a foot wide as she has pulled on FIVE nappies, and can't walk!
Baby is a joy. It almost feels like the first four-month old I have had, as I don't remember much of Toddler's babyhood. He smiles so often, and is so in love with his sister! I feel guilty that I don't get to spend as much time with him as I'd like, but we get our time in the evening when Toddler has gone to bed. He has his bottle, jimmy-jammies on, then falls asleep on me with his hand down my bra, like a teenage Lothario! His father would be proud!